For 800 years Aesclepius, the western god of healing, was the primal and supreme source of healing throughout ancient Greece and the Mediterranean region. Pilgrims made their way to his many healing sanctuaries to participate under his guidance in diverse holistic activities of mind, body, and spirit. For these Pilgrims to meet with Aesclepius was to experience the very essence of health and healing. The dialogue presented here is between Aesclepius and a student who much as our self seeks the wisdom and realization of a perfected health. It is the second of a multi-part listing.
Student: I have hard you speak of perfected health as immeasurable and unlimited. How could this be?
Again, I shall use words to communicate but remember that words are misleading. They cannot bring you to me. You can only know me directly. You can only know me through a discerning wisdom that arises in the stillness of your essential being.
All your current views of health are based on measurements. You measure health with tests done on the body – on body fluids, observations of solid tissue, measurements of the dynamic movements of physiology, or the character of changing energetic fields. In this way you determine that you are health or unhealthy. You quantify and compare your self to others. You aim for a perfect test rather than a perfected health.
Think about this. Your state of health is determined by a test. If your tests are normal you are healthy. If they are not you are ill or at risk to become ill. If you are normal by these standards there is nothing else you must do and nothing further you can attain. That is a partial, limited, and fickle health. It changes moment-to-moment and offers no more than the peak of the bell shaped curve which assures you “normality” – nothing more or less.
You may notice that your animals increasingly have access to the same tests, remedies, and therapies. You apply the same standards of health to them as you do to yourself. Yet you are far more.
I am perfected health. I am as vast and spacious as the sky. I am a circle without a center or a circumference. I have no boundaries. I am the expanse of pure awareness that is your being. I am immeasurable. I cannot be limited or held in the bounds of material testing which only know my surface appearance, my gross form. You cannot know me that way. You cannot define me by such measurements. Once you return home to the essence of your being you will know me as your spacious mind and vast heart. You will immediately realize that I cannot be measured. Health befitting a human is immeasurable. Only matter is measurable.
Once you know my expanse as peace,wisdom, happiness, love, and wholeness you will know that my qualities are similarly boundless. They cannot be measured by any of your physical measurements. Yet you know they are you natural self, your deepest truth. You know that they are essential to the fabric of your health. You know that they are health itself. You know that what you seek – a profound, vast an enduring health, happiness, and wholeness – can be realized and experienced but not known through reason, logic, and analysis.
When you move beyond your usual thoughts and ideas about health you will know that your essence is immeasurable and unlimited. Only then will you know your authentic and boundless health. Only then will you see with clarity the narrow ways you have defined your life and health.
Come home to me and rest with ease and joy in the essence of your natural and boundless health.